Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Giving Back......

I often think of the many doctor's who worked so hard to save my life....especially Dr. McKinley. We have thanked him, and tried to the very best of our capability to let him know how much we appreciate him. In a way he gave me life, a second time. I wrote personal letters of thanks to each of the 6 doctor's at BSA at Christmas time, along with pictures of our family. I just recently received a letter back from Dr. Jenkins reassuring my faith in what a great group of men they are, and at that Christian men. He said he had been a doctor long enough to know that God is in control. Back to the thanking part again....it will never be suffice. This is the conclusion I have come to....to get me through this....I just realized this today.... what a weight has been lifted!!

How many times have you wished you could pay back the good, those good people in your life have given you. It could be a small act of kindness that as always stuck with you.....or it could be something as big as saving your life. We are often separated from these people who we long to pay back by miles, years, broken friendships, or even death. I can only pay back in a sense by doing good for other's, in honor of what has been done for me, may it be big or small.

We can not pay back, only forward!! Paying forward is the only direction you can go......
reassured by -John 15:12- Jesus said. "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Give to Christ by giving to others!

1 comment:

  1. I love this, what a beautiful reminder to all. I also love the title of your blog and can't wait to read more. Welcome to the blogging world:)
